Cell Phone Effects Essay

Crashes can happen because of many reasons but cell phones are the most commonly known for crashes and deaths due to texting and driving. Although anti socialism and finding out the past are also in cell phones at a subtle tap of the finger. Cell phones show the past and can lead to people feeling bigger on the internet and hurt other people they talk to.
Anti socialism is mostly due to cell phones and can lead people to only let their emotions out while texting. For example,as the insecure kid walked the hallways of White Oak High School thinking that every person was peering him down like a buzzard waiting for his food. Knowing that he could only talk on the internet easily. Anti socialism is a big part of why bullying is big because people feel like they are the “ruler” of all on the internet and can say what they want with no worry of anyone hurting them knowing that they might have made that persons life their last. The phone can be addicting when everyone can sneak the “master of addiction” under the table while at Texas roadhouse totally ignoring the people around them trying to text their friends about the exhilarating day they had at track practice that day. Then trying to sneak the phone into its cave of a pocket where it rests until the scream of the ringtone “ding!”
Texting while driving can be dangerous and can lead to serious injury or death. In addition,as the classy rich man speeds down the highway in his new cherry red Ferrari Spyder knowing that he has a text screaming to be answered the old man gives in. He checks his phone while driving with one knee on the expensive leather covered steering wheel while his eyes beam into the light of the phone. All of a sudden, tires are roaring to a violent stop in front of him. Slamming on the breaking but it’s too late his car crumbles. Investigators find that the text said, “Be careful don’t text and drive.”
Texting and driving is a dangerous thing to do and is almost one of the top reasons why people a killed. Cell phones can be something that destroys our life and can also be something that helps us beyond what the human race can think of.

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