News Writing

    Principal Tonya King denied Jim Stack’s request to grow his hair out for a charity, Stack’s will be heading to the school board on monday to debate on this subject.

    King said,

“Had I have approved,then i would have students breaking dress code everyday” but King said there are other ways Stacks could help Locks Of Love. Stacks had applied as a donor and that he has got permission from his mother to donate the only thing standing in his way was the decision of the schools board at the meeting.

     When asking Bill Valdez the school board president about the situation he said,

they will discuss the issue at the school board meeting next week.

     Gilbert Castillo the student council president thinks differently about the problem saying

“I think that it’s cool that Jim wants to do this.” He said that Stacks felt helpless through this whole ordeal. Also states “girls have long hair,and no one is distracted.”

    Gisel Roco,president of Locks Of Love states “I was moved by Jims to donate his hair” Roco says that they are desperately in need for human hair. Every month they receive about 200 requests for hair and they have to turn down 150 of those requests.

     Stacks mother says “I am proud of Jim” she is happy that her son wants to help a group that means a lot for their family.

     Jasmine Stacks sister finally got her wig and was happier than ever and later on she got a clean health bill that she had been clear of all cancer.

“When the wig came in she became alive again.”

Richard Cory

In the poem “Richard Cory” by Edwin Arlington Robinson.  Everyone thinks he as a good life that he has all the money in the world but one night he goes home and commits suicide.  The royal imagery is the special words in the poem that makes him stand out.  It makes the reader know how he looks and what he might be like. the theme is like a good story at the first part saying how he has all this nice stuff then he kills himself.

I sit down at the seashore
looking into the sea watching the waves
roll in, I see boats coming to the docks.

I think about the past
what happened,
how did it happen
I remember

I thought
it was going to be the perfect day
but I was wrong.

it happened so fast
I couldn’t think
its all my fault
we should
have just stayed inside the whole day.

but he is still here
that’s all that

6th grade

holocast letter

December 8,1941
Nazis are everywhere your cant even walk on the streets without being asked if you are a Jew or not if they don’t ask you they just look for the star of David.I am in a concentration camp Hitler hates all the Jews just because the artistes said they don’t like his drawings.We don’t have food or very little we have over maybe 2,000 Jews here. We hear every day Jew’s being shot, burned, or killed by gas I  just pray every day that i wont be next our camp is in France our Americans are fighting hard to get us out but it might not be enough.I wake up everyday to screaming and crying we here all the soldiers shooting or laughing the floor is dirty crawling with bugs mice and ants and we have not shirts or shoes.we slept in huge bunk beds filled with people there are Germans at every corner of the camps so you cant escape.The only way you could stay alive is if you said you could cook or do other things now they have dogs to sniff out Jews but some expert scientists made a handkerchief with cocaine and rabbit blood the rabbit blood would make the dogs sniff it and the cocaine would num there senescence’s i will throw this letter over the gate when it is a windy day so it will blow the letter i will probably be dead by the time someone gets this

december 8,1941

my BIG snow trip

                            MY BIG snow trip

On Sunday we woke up and ran down stairs and found toys. I got a bike,air-soft gun,lots of candy, Dallas cowboy slippers, and stocking we played with all of it. Later that day about 7:00 we went to our moms and we opened presents and we got 3 xbox games and a new xbox. And 2 guns after that we where all tierd so we went to sleep and woke up the next day and went down stairs and got packed up to go on a skiing trip.I packed my phone,headphones,computer we  got in the car and drove 1 hour to Shreveport to get on a flight to Dallas it was about 45 minutes up there when we landed we waited about an hour to get on the other plane finally we got on it and took off to Aspen Colorado. It was a 2 hour flight but it was worth it looking out the plane window and  seeing white blankets of snow when we landed the first thing I did was throw a snow ball at kelby my brother.We waited  for a bus to come and pick us up when we got to our cabin we got ready for bed and lay ed down and went to sleep.The next day I got up early got some hot chocolate and had something to eat and we all went to Cristie sports and got snowboards and boots on we went to take lessons for snowboarding when I got there and got on my snowboard they taut us how to go how to stop and how to turn.When I just wanted to go straight down the mountain when we got out of lessons it was time to go back to the cabin because the slopes closed.The next day we got up and got on the slopes and when I was going down with my brother  and dad and I was the first one down. we went down the hard slopes and I jumped and grinded i tryed grinding side ways but I leaned to far back and slipped and hit my head on the metal.But good thing I had a helmet on. we stayed for about a week doing the same thing going down the slopes but it was still a lot of fun.   and the last day we where at the airport and our flight got canceled because the down  draft from the mountains would force the plane down and crash. So we took a van to a place called Grand Junction which was 2 hours away when we got there we had to wait about an hour  to get on a flight that was about an hour when we landed in Dallas we took off in another plane and it was a 22 minute flight when we landed in Tyler airport we got in the car and drove home.



The sea rumble beneath me
the waves ROAR
the wind taking my breath away

every wave we hit SPLASH water hits my
face dropping down down into the depths
of the sea .
as our ship drops another wave I fly over
board . Right before i hit the water i wake up
sweating and hart pounding
I realized it was only a DREAM as i drift of to
sleep again.

To San Antonio

My dad was going to San Antonio   because he was opening a shop there.So my mom said “Why don’t just make a trip out of it for the kid’s  So we did it took us 5 hours to get there we stayed at the j.w Marriott  and when we got there flowers everywhere red,green,blue,yellow.We drove our car up and they opened the doors for us. when I got out that fresh clean air rushing across my face.When we got inside my dad checked us in as we where walking to our room,huge I pads  where people where playing checkers and chess it was amazing. We got to our room   and they had a huge golf course out our window,we lay ed back for about a minuet and then we got our bathing suites in .We went down to a water park and there was a lazy river .That night we ate at a restaurant and i had a hamburger it was so good the next day we did it all over again except for dinner so that was my trip to San Antonio.

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