holocast letter

December 8,1941
Nazis are everywhere your cant even walk on the streets without being asked if you are a Jew or not if they don’t ask you they just look for the star of David.I am in a concentration camp Hitler hates all the Jews just because the artistes said they don’t like his drawings.We don’t have food or very little we have over maybe 2,000 Jews here. We hear every day Jew’s being shot, burned, or killed by gas I  just pray every day that i wont be next our camp is in France our Americans are fighting hard to get us out but it might not be enough.I wake up everyday to screaming and crying we here all the soldiers shooting or laughing the floor is dirty crawling with bugs mice and ants and we have not shirts or shoes.we slept in huge bunk beds filled with people there are Germans at every corner of the camps so you cant escape.The only way you could stay alive is if you said you could cook or do other things now they have dogs to sniff out Jews but some expert scientists made a handkerchief with cocaine and rabbit blood the rabbit blood would make the dogs sniff it and the cocaine would num there senescence’s i will throw this letter over the gate when it is a windy day so it will blow the letter i will probably be dead by the time someone gets this

december 8,1941